¶ Great Satellite Images

Takde ape yang nak dikatakan. Fahmie just teruja tengok gambar dari satellite nie.Kemudian Fahmie nak share dengan orang lain.  Korang pon tahu kan? Sharing Is Kongsi.^__^. Pada Fahmie, pic venice tuh paling cantik kot.

Macam biaselah. Click laju-laju kat picture untuk paparan yang lebeh besar:

satellite picture of Africa
Antigua, in the Caribbean region
 The Egyptian pyramids seen from space
 National Park of Namib-Naukluft, in the Namib Desert of Africa
 Venice, in Italy. A great picture!
 Satellite picture of The Bahamas, north of the Caribbean Sea
 The Hong Kong region. A great satellite image, with ports and boats!
Brussells, the capital of Belgium, seen from space!
  Part of Saint-Louis, in Missouri, USA. Of course with it’s famous Gateway Arch
 Satellite image of Shanghai, with its tall building, in China.

6 Comment. Write Yours!:

tiafazunia said...

one word ; fuiiyohhhh! ;)

Zulfahmi Abidin said...


zyana said...

pic yg amat cantik...
indahnye ciptaan Allah...

Nur Fannun said...

gmbr venice tu cm ada gmbr binatng cm kanggroo & ular pun ada.

gmbr piramid tu xubah cm bdk zmn skrg suka ltk kt belt tu

yg gmbr the bahamas tu nmpk muncung paus belunga.

pincagari kt belgium
n kt usa tu cm Allah, Muhammad

kt china ada 1 simbol yg mmg diltk
aku nmpk ktam yg punya sepit bsar

Zulfahmi Abidin said...

hahaha..fannun...awak nie bia betul.detail betul awk.hehe..^__^

Nur Fannun said...

betul la i just say what i can see..

prnah tgk gmbr satelit/peta amerika x? cm setangkai buah anggur & ada tulis ka fa ra kt bhgn tepi laut..

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